Learning blogging

Monday, 5 June 2017

How To Get Your Adsense Account Approval Quick

Considering the amount of adsense help found on the internet, all of them proved abortive, but these particular post is one of it's kind, you can find anywhere on the web, taking a look at the heading will ring this question in your head, "are you for real?", yes reader am for real and alos writing this article out of experience, without wasting your time, let's take a look at the basic 3hings you need to do before applying for an adsense account

Do You Have A Blog?
Having a blog these days is not that hard considering how it was in the past years, if you have a blog then read on

What Is Your Domain Tld?
It is often said that blogs with .com tld have 70% chance to get approved, so for you not to apply tow times, you better register a .com tld

What Is Your Niche?
If you read my previous article, i asked the same question, now i am still asking it, that's to show how important it is, adsense hardly approve blogs running on entertainment, news, real estates niches, probably because of the high rate of plagiarm in those niches, but any of the niches you think is best for you, then make your try

What Is Your Domain Age?
Personally i don't think this factor is still necessary, because i know a blog, after the owner published his first 6 - 7 unique posts and did what i told him running on health niche, adsense approved his first application, that was my first miracle performed

Are You Writing Unique Contents?
Like it said that "content is king" adsense strongly believe in that sentence, if you copy others work, don't expect a miracle to happen, because as long as you copy, you will be disapproved a million times

Does Your Blog Have An Easy Navigation?
Even if you are writing unique contens, but your blog is not easy to navigate then adsense will continue to disapprove you, adsense likes when a blog is 10/10 not the other way round

Do You Have The Neccessary Pages?
Do you have the neccessary pages like about us, contact us, privacy policy, terms of service, if you have all these, then you are free

Avoid Too Much Images On Your Blog
Considering the fact that it is a bot that review your blog, you need to adhere to the instructions, avoid displaying flash images/ads, pop-up ads, animated images and their likes

Acquire Traffic To Your Blog
These factor is not active, but you still need to adhere to be on the safe side, so that you't recieve a thrashing disapproval message


  1. Reading.. You made a point here, i cant find google ads on this site, why?

    1. You didn't find google ads, because i want to adhere to the guidelines, i don't have a .com tld. thank you for commenting

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